"AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributor"

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for important life goals

Solutions for your great Retired Life

Solutions for securing your Child’s Future

Wealth Solutions foryour life’s important goals

Successfully conducting IAPs ( Investor Awareness Programme ) for Corporates.

Successfully delivering services in India & Abroad.

  • 10 +

    Years of Experience

  • 350 +

    Clients all over India and Abroad

Invited as a guest lecture at SSBF lavale Pune


Financial goals are the priorities and targets you set for how you want to spend and save your money. They aren't one size fits all, because everyone has different priorities. However, if you don't set your financial goals, you'll probably be left wondering where all your money went. Importance of Setting Goals.

Process Flowchart


Prospective Investor

Initial Meeting

Fatca, KYC compliance.

Age of investor, number of earning members, number of dependents and age of dependents etc.


Execution of Investment

Investors choose products basics on tools provided by mutualfundwala. We provide information on PE, P/BV, Dividend industry related information etc.

Term of investment is decided and paperwork executed.


1st Connect With Investor

1st Phone call Post Investment

Mail the login id and passwords, Help to install the mobile app, Social media engagement, Encourage regular monitoring of investment.


Monitoring of Investment

Investors can monitor the portfolio anytime. We provide all looks to enable investors to take informed decisions.


Course Correction

Recommending Changes

Investors can choose to changes scheme(s) due non-performance or any other reason.


Meeting Objectives

The End Result

Investors can Monitor the investments and ensure if the investments are meeting his objectives. This is all done on DIY basis.

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